The night before Halloween all of my friends and I went rollerskating...in costume. It was a smashing success! We got a lot of stares but still had the most fun out of anyone there. Sherlock Holmes did fairly well for a newbie! Not a single tumble, but that's probably because she spent more time off the rink then on it.
(From Right to Left: Peacock, Rainbow Brite, Sherlock Holmes, Lindsay as Lindsay, Neon Ballerina, Max from Where the Wild Things Are, and, of course, Madonna)

This year I decided to be Rainbow Brite, the loveable 80's cartoon character. Unfortunately, Twink couldn't make it.

This is me in 6th grade as a box of Nerds...what? They said the theme for Welcome Day was nerds!

Last year, I was Wonder Woman, but not without grief from some of my teachers. "Wonder Woman is degrading towards woman!" Oh pleeease, Wonder Woman is the epitome of a woman. Luckily, my principle agreed, being an avid WW fan herself.

This is me as one of the girls from Beauty School Drop-Out in Grease. It took quite a bit of patience getting those rollers to behave but we managed. I'm pretty sure this was 7th grade Welcome Day at my school.

Of course, I couldn't forget my favourite costume of them all...Queen of Hearts! Make sure you note ye' royal converse trainers. (6th grade Halloween when I was still cute)
Yes, I am fully aware that Halloween was three days ago, but I couldn't resist. My friends and I had quite a night. We went trick-or-treating, like mature young adults, then went back to someone's house for a slumber party. In true Halloween spirit, we watched the Grudge, needless to say my throat was hoarse by the end of it. Finally, at about 2 in the morning we all crashed on the sofas, only to wake up again 3 hours later to crash on the trampoline. My Sunday was spent napping and watching Milk as a form of rehab. I hope everyone else had a great night!
xoxo Valentine
P.S. All the costumes above were made by my supercalifragilistic mother.
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