
I've had a fairly pathetic weekend. Instead of going rollerskating (alone might I add) on a Friday night I opted for a party on Saturday. Well, it was Saturday night, I had my best cowgirl outfit on (it was western themed), and I had the birthday present in hand. I never did find out how that party went because, thanks to my big mouth, I didn't get to go. My parents and I got into ANOTHER argument and baddabing baddabam, no party for moi. I spent the night watching my new favourite show The InBetweeners which, despite being hilariously funny, did not compensate for the fact that I haven't seen any of my friends outside of school for over a month. I really hope this whole teenager phase passes soon...it's such a pain. Now onto my fashion-related news! The other day I was rummaging through old editorial archives when I came across this amazing photo shoot by Ryan McGuinly for POP magazine. If you don't know already, the model is Agyness Deyn, one of my favourites. I love how her boyish looks and shocking bleached blonde (practically white) hair immediately make the clothes feel free. The androgynous tomboy look can sometimes weigh clothes down, but for Agyness it makes them float. Of course, flying mid-air probably doesn't hurt the cause. The fact that she is naked just adds to the utterly carefree vibe. Fashion doesn't have to be confined to the glossy pages of magazines! It's like air in that everyone is forced to breathe it in, be it commercialized or not,and you also have no choice but to breathe it out. Now the WAY in which we interpret/breathe it differs per person. If you're like Agyness and POP you breathe it out by jumping off of buildings while a giant red dress billows out around you; if you're like the girls at my school you go to the nearest Forever21 or Urban Outfitters and pick from a selection thats been pre-picked for you; if you're like me you might choose to watch people like Agyness Deyn and then stick together whatever you find in your closet; that's really not the point though. The POINT is that no matter how you breathe it out it's still fashion and that's why I love it.
xo Valentine
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